Literature based lapbooks are a fantastic way to implement hands-on learning in your homeschool or classroom.

Dozens and dozens of our lapbooks at Homeschool Share are based on classic stories and amazing books. Why did we choose to build our lapbooks on literature? Because literature based learning is engaging and effective.

A good story has lots of learning tangents, and learning with a story creates a lasting connection between the literature and your student.

For example, a classic book like A House for Hermit Crab is a springboard for lessons about ocean animals, the months of the year, types of shells, different kinds of houses, and more!

Any good book can be turned into a literature based lapbook.

Benefits of Literature Based Learning

Literature based learning yields benefits. Reading great stories can improve vocabulary, build reading comprehension, and grow language skills. Reading aloud also lays a strong foundation for future writers.

Other benefits of literature based learning include building a family culture, boosting critical and creative thinking, and fostering a relationship with your students. Literature makes learning easier and more enjoyable.

Literature Based Lapbooks for Preschool and Kindergarten Students

The books on this list were chosen because they are classics or because the stories included ample learning opportunities.

These lapbooks were created with toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarten students in mind. Pick and choose based on the unique needs of your student.

You may need to help your student cut, fold, or assemble some of the mini-books, but your student can use the lapbook for reviewing concepts over and over again.

The Little Rabbit Lapbook

from the Officer Buckle and Gloria Lapbook

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Lapbook

Whistle for Willie Lapbook

Literature Based Lapbooks for Picture Books

These literature based lapbooks were created for elementary students; they are based on classic picture books, nonfiction books, and wonderful stories that include a variety of learning opportunities for your student.

To determine if a lapbook is suitable for your student’s academic level, you can scan through the mini-books and lessons provided.

Most lapbooks are versatile and can be adapted to use with students at a variety of levels and abilities.

from the Flossie and the Fox Lapbook

A House for Hermit Crab Lapbook

Masai and I Lapbook

Petunia Lapbook

Time of Wonder Lapbook

Why Mosquitoes Buzz in Peoples Ears Lapbook

Literature Based Lapbooks for Chapter Books

These lapbooks were also created for elementary students; they are based on chapter books. You can check through the mini-books and lessons provided to ensure that a lapbook will be a good fit for your student.

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Lapbook

The Phantom Tollbooth Lapbook

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Lapbook