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Thanks to Michelle Matias and Becky Senn for writing the One Hundred Hungry Ants Math Activities.

One Hundred Hungry Ants Math Activities

This set of math activities is based on the book One Hundred Hungry Ants by Elinor J. Pinczes.

Teach your student to count to 100 by 1s, 5s, or 10s (depending on what he is ready for). Three different charts are provided.

Exploring 100
Use the ant strips to form ant lines like the ones in the story. Make two lines of fifty ants. Make four lines of twenty-five ants. Make five lines of twenty ants. Make ten lines of ten ants.

Print one copy of the Four Groups of 25 ants is 100! Chart. You will need four different color crayons. Have your student count 25 squares and color the entire group of squares ONE color. Do this FOUR times. This represents four lines of twenty-five ants. It will also help your student understand 100. If you want, do it again with the Ten Groups of Ten Ants is 100! Chart.

Paper Chain (100 Days!)
Using construction paper strips and glue, make a chain of one hundred pieces. Let your student take one off each day. Count them each day.

Hunt for One Hundred!
Scavenger around the house (or yard) for one hundred items. Use a small box and try to find small items. Keep count as you go and have fun! This will give your student a visual picture of what 100 looks like. 

One Hundred Picnic
The ants missed out on the yummy food at the picnic, but you don’t have to! Prepare a picnic together that will consist of 100 things! You can do this however you want (have 10 groups of 10 things or 5 groups of 20 things or even 100 different things!). Some suggestions include small fruits (such as grapes), cheese cubes, toothpicks on the cheese cubes, small pretzels, mini-marshmallows, sunflower seeds, raisins, banana slices, peanuts, chocolate chips, etc.

You can grab a copy of the One Hundred Hungry Ants math activities and printables in an easy-to-print file at the end of this post.

One Hundred Hungry Ants Printables

This file includes a few printables:

  • Count by Ones to One Hundred Chart
  • Count by Fives to One Hundred Chart
  • Count by Tens to One Hundred Chart
  • Ant Strips
  • Four Groups of 25 Ants is 100 Activity Page
  • Ten Groups of 10 Ants is 100 Activity Page

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One Hundred Hungry Ants Math Activities