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Experiment with art while children learn all about colors with this set of free color mixing worksheets.

What’s Included in the Color Mixing Worksheets?
This set of free printables includes a variety of color mixing activities for your students.
Flower Color Wheel Posters
Students will color the petals on a flower like a color wheel.
The color wheel includes three different options for various skill levels:
- My Color Wheel with Primary and Secondary Color Prompts (students will know which colors to color each petal on the flower)
- My Color Wheel with Primary Color Prompts (students will need to determine which secondary colors the primary colors make)
- My Color Wheel Without Prompts

Color Mixing Charts
For this color mixing activity, students will use paints to add colors together and record their results. You have four different options for the color mixing charts. Simply choose the best option for your students:
- My Color Mixing Chart with Primary and Secondary Color Prompts
- My Color Mixing Chart with Primary Color Prompts (student writes in the names of the secondary colors)
- My Color Mixing Chart with Secondary Color Prompts (student writes in the names of the primary colors)
- My Color Mixing Chart (blank; student writes in the names of primary and secondary colors)

Coloring Mixing Worksheets
The set of worksheets also includes four different pages to practice what they have learned. The pages include flowers, butterflies, and ladybugs.

Students will determine which secondary color is made by mixing the primary colors together. Students will also determine which primary colors are needed to make secondary colors.

What Colors Make Other Colors?
The three primary colors are red, blue, and yellow. When these are mixed, they make secondary colors.
Red + Yellow = Orange
Yellow + Blue = Green
Red + Blue = Purple
The worksheets will also ask your students to determine what makes pink, brown, and gray.
Red + White = Pink
Black + White = Gray
Red + Yellow + Blue = Brown
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